Biomarkers of exposure assessment

Biomarkers of exposure assessment

In simple terms, biomarkers are the characteristics or changes in the body of an organism when it exposed to a chemical. These biomarkers can determine if the actual changes occurred, the route cause and the extent to which the changes occurred. Here, we are using biomarkers to assess the exposure in dealing with biomarkers of exposure assessment we use three types of biomarkers namely susceptibility, exposure, and effect.

Biomarkers of Susceptibility

Those are just the indicators of those natural characteristics in the body of an organism that makes it susceptible exposure effects. Susceptibility is essential because it can be used to determine the critical times when exposure is most detrimental. For example, you can use the exhalation strength to determine how susceptible an asthmatic patient can be in case of respiratory effects of exposure to brevetoxin compound.

Biomarkers of Exposure

Biomarkers of exposure are merely the actual chemicals in the body of an organism that can be measured either from inside of the body or taking a sample of the excretion components to determine the extent of organic exposure. For example, you can take the blood sample from a fish to determine the level of lead. Biomarkers of exposure are proven to give the route information as well as its source.

Biomarker of exposure assessment is essential since it can be used to detect and prevent exposure before it creates more damages to the organism. The data taken from the evaluation can also be used for future studies of the chemicals and formulating different strategies to deal with chemical exposures. Biomarker of exposure assessment has also been used to create awareness of the dangers of environmental pollution.